March 1st, 2023 | Posted in News

We are delighted to let you know that we have submitted our request for planning permission to Gosport Borough Council for Daedalus Waterfront.  The hybrid planning submission, with two of the zones submitted in detail and the rest in outline, can be viewed on the Gosport Borough Council Planning Portal.

The two zones submitted for detailed planning will deliver against our key objectives for Daedalus Waterfront with the first industrial zone bringing jobs and opportunities and the second residential zone saving and celebrating the heritage of the area by fast-tracking buildings, such as The Wardroom, that are most in need of repair.

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your contribution to this submission.  We have really enjoyed the process that has got us to this point, and we were humbled by the number of people who attended our two consultations (nearly 800 people), by the range of helpful ideas and comments, and by the huge amount of support shown through the questionnaires.   We have worked hard through the pre-app process to take on board comments and suggestions from the community and key stakeholders, and we are proud of the final masterplan.

Locating the planning submission:

This link will take you through to the hybrid planning submission on the Council website.   This large and complex scheme has many associated planning documents, so for the best and most comprehensive overview, we would recommend reading the Design and Access Statement.  This has been broken into sections on the portal, but the complete document can also be viewed on our website.

If you would like to submit a comment on Gosport Borough Council’s website portal, you can do so by emailing